This information is for Member Associations to explain how to request a re-print of an ID Card (or "license") for a person, providing that feature is turned on for their Association.

This process is automatically completed for persons that register again (at a different club or in an additional role) and subsequently require an updated card.

1. Select 'People'

2. Select 'Search'

3. Search for and 'View' the person for whom a card re-print is required

 save image 

4. Select 'Cards' from the person's menu





'Cards' will only appear as an option if this feature has been turned 'On' as a part of the system configuration.

5. Select 'Make Request'

 save image 

The person will be added to the end of the queue of cards to be printed; they may not appear in a batch until a sufficient number of outstanding cards have been marked as printed.