Este rol está destinado a los oficiales de partido que deben ser nombrados para evaluar el rendimiento del equipo de arbitraje para cada partido de una competición. Encuentre en este artículo una guía para el proceso general de solicitud para el rol, establecer el rol dentro de una competición y el uso real que una persona con este rol podría llevar a cabo.

1. Solicitud para el Rol

El usuario solicita el rol de Evaluador de Árbitros

Inicialmente, la persona que asume este rol debe solicitarlo como se muestra en Cómo solicitar un Rol Administrativo. 

Un Administrador de Sistema de la Federación Miembro aprueba el Rol

Un usuario diferente con el rol de 'Administrador del sistema FM' será el que apruebe la solicitud.

2. Asignación de la función de Evaluador de Árbitros como oficial de partido obligatorio dentro de una competición

Si la competición no ha sido creada:

Desde el menú "Crear Competición"

Parte de los pasos al momento de crear una nueva competición es configurar los 'Oficiales del partido' que se requieren para ser designados para cada uno de los partidos de la competición (Ver Punto 5. Configuración de la competición -> Oficiales del partido en Crear Competición Todos contra Todos y Crear competición eliminatoria). Al hacer esto, podrá seleccionar al Evalua de Árbitros como uno de los Oficiales requeridos.

Si la competición ya fue creada:

Desde la pestaña "Ajustes"
Vaya al menú 'Competiciones' en el lado izquierdo del sitio web. Una vez allí, seleccione la competición específica para la que desea agregar el árbitro evaluador como requisito oficial del partido. Luego vaya a la pestaña 'Configuración' y haga clic en 'Editar'.

Scroll down until the 'Match Officials' section and click on 'Add Match Official'. Then select Referee Assessor and click on the check button on the right side. Finally, click on the 'Save' button in the bottom right corner.

3. Allocating Referee Assessor for a specific match

Follow the steps described in How to Allocate Referee to a Match.

4. Which features will be available for the Referee Assessor in the platform 

Once the user with Referee Assessor role logs in to the platform the following functionalities will be visible to them.


Here the Referee Assessor will see a calendar where the matches for which they have been assigned will be visible, including dates, times, teams involved, and possible conflicts.


Here the Referee Assessor will be able to report and submit their personal expenses in relation to each specific match. Find further explanation in Submit match expenses as a referee.


Here the Referee Assessor will be able to see all the matches for which they have been assigned and they will have the possibility to access finished matches and review elements such as match sheets, match data, documents, and officials.

5. How the Referee Assessor will carry out their tasks

As mentioned at the beginning of this article the function of the Referee Assessor is to evaluate the performance of other match officials and the general refereeing throughout the match, this is how they will be able to do that:

Go to 'Appointments', look for the match that you would be assessing and click on the eye icon on the right side

Once you have accessed the match, different information will be displayed for you to review, however, as for actions to be taken by the Referee Assessor go to the 'Match Data' tab and then click on the sub-tab 'Notes'. Two items will be available: Referee Notes and Referee Assessor Notes.

Referee Notes

Here you will be able to review the notes in relation to the match inputted by the main referee, anything they have deemed valuable to report. These notes cannot be edited by the Referee Assesor, they can only be seen.

Referee Assessor Notes

Here is where the Referee Assessor will be evaluating all the Match Officials and the overall performance of the Refereeing Team. This can be done as follows:

  • General: Here is a general assessment of the match, its difficulties, and key remarks.
  • Referee: This refers to the main referee, their overall performance related to specific aspects of their operation. For the Main Referee in specific, the Referee Assessor will be able to review and leave notes for each of the cards imposed during the match. Additionally, a final mark is to be given to the referee's overall performance, this is a numeric qualification that is to be determined according to the standards set by the MA. See the image attached below, the referee Carolina Grajales is to be evaluated, in order to do so click on the 'Edit' on the top right.

Once you have clicked on 'Edit' you will be able to write your notes. Different aspects of the referee's performance can be commented upon. As well as mentioned above, specific comments can be made for each of the imposed cards. Bear in mind that the only mandatory field is the one of the 'Final Mark'.

The 'Final Mark' will be subject to the Referee Assessor's interpretation, but this is to be linked to the 'Assessment Guidelines', which can be predetermined by the platform or customized by the MA. Find in the image below an example.

Once you are done with this particular assessment click on the 'Save' button on the bottom of the right side. 

  • 1st Assistant Referee: Evaluate the performance of the referee in question, although there are fewer aspects upon which to comment. Once again, the only mandatory field is that of the 'Final Mark'.
  • Any other Match Officials (2nd Assistant Referee, Fourth Official, Video Assistant Referee, Reserve Assistant Referee, etc.) that were appointed to the match will be visible and ready to be evaluated just as described for the 1st Assistant Referee in the point above.

6. Retrieving the Referee Assessor's report

Once the Referee Assessor has carried out their evaluation, there is the possibility to retrieve a PDF file containing all the match data and the Referee Assessor's final comments. In order to do this, click on the button 'Get Report' located on the top right corner and then select 'Referee Assessor Report' from the drop-down menu.

A PDF file will be automatically downloaded including all the information described above. Find an example of how this file looks in the image below.

7. Referee Assessor Report template

In cases where is easier for the Referee Assessor to fill in their report by hand, they can simply download a printable template and proceed to add their comments manually.  In order to do this, click on the button 'Get Report' located in the top right corner and then select 'Referee Assessor Report template' from the drop-down menu.